LeBron James' viral video of dancing at Kendrick Lamar concert without surgical boot has fans shocke
LeBron James injured his right foot against the Dallas Mavericks last Sunday. After falling to the floor, he quickly told his teammates that "something popped."
A few days later, tests revealed that he had a tendon injury to the said foot. Earlier today, Buttcrack Sports released a video that had some fans confused as to his real status:
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The Grammy-award winning artist performed in front of thousands of fans in Vancouver. LeBron James is reportedly recovering from his injury in Los Angeles. Immediately after the loss to the Mavericks, he posted this on his Instagram account:
Buttcrack Sports is one of the best in trolling superstars and their legions of fans. This happens to be one of them, which unfortunately sowed confusion among those who thought the video was recent.
LeBron James did attend his son, Bronny James' game against Etiwanda High School. He can clearly be seen cheering from the sidelines and egging Sierra Canyon on to victory. The LA Lakers superstar was one of the proud parents in a jampacked gym cheering for their respective sons.
After the game, the four-time NBA MVP congratulated his son, but it wasn't clear if he was wearing a walking boot. He was trolled by fans for missing the LA Lakers' game against the OKC Thunder last Wednesday but went to watch Bronny's game.
The LA Lakers need LeBron James to at least make the play-in tournament
The LA Lakers hold a 30-33 record for 11th place in the Western Conference. They are, however, just a game behind the New Orleans Pelicans (31-32) for the 10th seed and the last play-in ticket.
The games will only become more competitive as the teams complete their last remaining 20 or so games. The Portland Trail Blazers (29-33) and the OKC Thunder (28-34) aren't going to give up easily as well.
The Lakers won without LeBron James, Anthony Davis and D'Angelo Russell last Wednesday. But for them to make a push for the play-in, they would need the 19x NBA All-Star.
The retooled Lakers have shown that they are deeper, more balanced and more dangerous than the one Darvin Ham coached before the trade deadline. They will only go as far as James and Davis can carry them.
James and crew were reportedly aiming for the sixth seed in the tightly-contested Western Conference for an outright playoff berth. If the four-time champ is still sidelined after three weeks, the Lakers may have to be content with a spot in the play-in.
LeBron James' status is so doubtful that the LA Lakers are already looking at the possibility of a postseason run without him. Assuming they eventually make the playoffs, they'll be at a huge disadvantage against the top teams without their franchise player.
You might also like to read: LeBron James injury update: Darvin Ham gives the latest on LA Lakers star's rehabilitation
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