Proud dad moment for Alexa Panos father Rick Pano as he clicks her pictures with the trophy
American golfer Alexa Pano marked her 19th birthday with a stunning victory at the ISPS Handa World Invitational. She secured her first career win in an impressive playoff against England's Gabriella Cowley.
The occasion was made even more special as her proud father Rick Pano captured the heartfelt moment by clicking her pictures with the championship trophy.
You can watch it in the video below (via @LGPA on X):
Alexa Pano's triumph came after a remarkable final round where she shot a stellar 6-under 66 on the Galgorm course. This resulted in a three-way tie with Cowley and Germany's Esther Henseleit.
Her victory in what was a thrilling showdown underlines her growing stature in the golfing world. Despite her current ranking of 402 in the Rolex LPGA Tour rankings, Pano's rapid ascent has been nothing short of phenomenal.
Her journey to prominence commenced with her participation in the LPGA Q-school circuit. Pano's breakout moment arrived when she became the youngest competitor in the inaugural Augusta National Women's Amateur in 2019.
This was further complemented by her appearance in the 2019 US Women's Open, solidifying her presence on the professional circuit.
Alexa Pano's golfing triumphs are fueled by her father's unwavering support
Alexa Pano has had the unwavering support of her father Rick Pano throughout her golfing journey so far.
She was raised primarily by her father since her parents' split during her infancy. He has served as both a mentor and caddy, while providing Alexa with the necessary guidance and expertise to aid her development into a competitive golfer.
Choosing to turn professional in 2022 instead of pursuing college golf, Alexa's decision paid off as she earned her LPGA card in the Q Series later that year. This victory at the ISPS Handa World Invitational marks her rookie season's first top-15 finish, and remarkably, her maiden career win.
Alexa Pano's journey to success is an inspiring example of the power of family support, hard work, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in the world of golf. As her career continues to evolve, her father's support will likely make each victory a cherished milestone for both of them.
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