
Whats your favorite road/backstage story from over the years?

Probably the Plane Ride From Hell is my favourite road story. The crazy events that took place on that plane - McMahon challenging Angle to a wrestling match, Lesnar and Perfect getting into a wrestling match of their own to determine the better amateur wrestler and a bunch of guys having to seperate the two cause they were close to the plane door, a drunken Ric Flair parading around in nothing but his robe, Bradshaw knocking out Michael Hayes and X-Pac cutting off his mullet and stapling it to a wall the next day at a Raw event, Dustin Runnels harassing Terri, is there anything else that I'm forgetting? This led to some firings and the banning of alcohol on future flights. You could turn all this shit into a movie - The Hangover meets Airplane! These guys were friggin nuts, man.

Owen Hart's infamous ribs are hilarious. I loved Owen, I enjoyed watching him wrestle growing up, he's one of my favourite wrestlers, and everytime I read about how he was backstage and the pranks he pulled, it always cracks a smile on my face. Ahmed Johnson said he never ribbed anyone he didn't like and I haven't heard any wrestler speak one bad word about him.

I like hearing about the incident that took place between Ken Shamrock and The Nasty Boys at an airport in the late 90's. The story between The Nasties and Shamrock starts years back at a hotel, Shamrock was hanging out with his girlfriend and her friend at a bar, Knobbs and Saggs harass Shamrock's gf's friend and Shamrock almost breaks out into a fight with them, defending the lady. Later that day, Knobbs is pretending to be passed out on his bed or something as Shamrock comes into his room, Saggs then attacks Shamrock from behind, and both Nasties proceed to beat the living shit out of Shamrock and attempt to kill him by throwing him off the hotel balcony until a bunch of wrestlers stops them. Years later, the WWF are on a tour, The Nasty Boys show up at the same airport as the WWF roster, Shamrock sees them and confronts them. Knobbs cowers and runs away, and Saggs turns his back to Ken and tells him that if he touches him, he'll call the police and sue him, as Billy Gunn is holding Shamrock back. The reason I like this story so much is because I can't stand The Nasty Boys and this confirmed for me what I thought they were all along, a couple of punk ass bitches. They should thank the law and Billy Gunn for being there because if Shamrock had gotten his hands on them, he would've murdered those two fucks and he'd be in jail right now.

This is one I just discovered recently. Jim Cornette, Chris Jericho and a couple of other wrestlers are travelling together on the road in a car, they stop at a drive through and orders large amounts of food. When they drive up to the window, the employee at the window tells them that she thought they were just joking and that they didn't make their food, which angers Cornette and leads to him getting out of the car and going on a hilarious rant, cussing out the employees. One of the wrestlers was filming the incident in the back of the car and here's the video.




Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-06-04